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Distance Space Clearing


Our homes are our sacred space where we retreat  from the outside world. However, they can also be a breeding ground for negative emotional energies from previous owners or from ourselves, families and friends.


Everything is energy. The way we behave and feel, as words, thoughts and feelings all create energy. As we live in our homes, a build up of energy occurs depending on the way we choose to live our lives.


It is recommended to clear our space:


  • When your have moved into a different location

  • When you want to sell your house and it is taking longer than expected

  • When several electrical appliances or parts of the house need frequent repair

  • When people or pets living in the house suffer from frequent illness or change their behaviour suddenly.

  •  When there are sudden changes of temperature in the same room

  • When pets avoid certain places of your house

  • When someone died in that place even if it was a natural death

  • When crimes, violent events or happened in your space.

  • When there have been a lot of visitor in your house or place.

  • When you notice any unusual sounds, smells or parcial visions of shadows without any logical reason.


If  you simply feel uncomfortable and you do not why, we can detect what is the source of the problem and clear that space.



This work can be done at a distance and does not require our presence at your location.


Depending on the source of the negativity it will take us more or less time to harmonize and balance your space. For further information you can contact us.

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